Concern Over KML Sale
Written to the Gazette
To the editor:
Am I the only one wondering what is happening to the Keweenaw Mountain Lodge property? Would someone explain what a “micro-grid” is? Does that mean Anthony Lane Partners (APL) will cut down the trees & put up wind turbines? Will the golf course become an array of solar panels? What will be the source of the energy they want to sell?
There is no information about the APL company on the internet besides it being a holding company. What do they hold? What is their track record? Will this Institute be another non-profit, tax free entity surviving on government grants? How will that help Keweenaw County?
I must admit I am biased in wanting to keep the property as a resort. I’m not a resident of the county but have helped along with many others to save Hunter’s Point plus many areas in the county. We had a family reunion at the resort many years ago, I attended a high school reunion a few years ago, and a couple of weeks ago, we spent the night in a cabin with our daughter and her husband.
We loved staying in the winter. When we have out-of-town guests, we usually have a meal there, and the food is excellent. Harvey Desnick has done a good job with what he has. How will closing the resort help Copper Harbor which depends on tourists?
Without knowing the loan contract obligations, I still wonder if the supervisors ever considered asking the DNR to make the property a state park. How about the Keweenaw National Historical Park being a partner in preserving the lodge & cabins? History Departments at universities across the country are all about preserving the history of industry now as is true with Michigan Tech. Couldn’t Michigan Tech’s business school have had class assignments on marketing Keweenaw Mountain Lodge? Other campuses, for example, have students in Landscape Architecture design parks for communities. Students learn from solving real problems. Build a dormitory where college students can stay and work so there won’t be a shortage of staff. On days off, they can hike, bike, etc.
I do hope all possibilities are being considered.